Our Services


Botox $11/unit

Jeuveau $11/unit

Reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles
Minimum purchase of 20 units

Dermal Fillers

Restylane $550-$750

Juvaderm $675-$700

Replace lost volume in the face

Treat: lips, cheeks, smile lines, chin, and jawline

*Cost dependent upon type of product chosen and number of syringes used

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

$400 per session

Smoothes skin, reduces appearance of wrinkles, and reduces acne scarring. Can be used to promote hair re-growth.

*Cost is dependent upon size of the area being treated.


$300 per session

$1000 for package of 4 sessions

Improve skin texture and tone

Microneedling with PRP

$500 per session/$1600 for package of 4

Weight Management

Semaglutide injections

$300/month– 60 min

Tirzepatide injections

$400/month– 60 min

Lipotropic injections $30 or $100 for 4

Vitamin B12 Injections $25



Treatment for varicose veins

Additional Services

Dermaplaning $20 per session

Removes dead skin cells and fine hair

PCA chemical peel $125 per session (starting price)

Reduces hyperpigmentation, improves fine lines and wrinkles

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